The basin – a rare optical illusion

Several times a year, when the sun is  just right in the sky with a light layer of mist on the water, the island in the middle of the basin of water pops. It really pops, so much so that it seems that you can reach it with a short wade in the water. Yet it is over a kilometer away.

And the closer one gets to the beach, th the farther away it is.

I was able to capture this illusion yesterday.

Life is a gift. Open your eyes and the magic of our world unfolds. 🙏

8 thoughts on “The basin – a rare optical illusion

    • This photo is about a mysterious island that is in so many of my photos but rarely seen in any of them as it blends so well into the landscape. The illusion is spectacular and only seen from deep inside the complex where i live. I was lucky as it is so hard to capture. I am glad that you enjoy this one as much as I do. Thank you Francesc! ✨😊🙏

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  1. What a beautiful and amazing shot, Cathy. Nature is just wondrous and we are so lucky and blessed to be able to capture these gorgeous sights, either with a camera or simply, with our eyes. Thank you for sharing this magical view, Cathy. You’ve brightened up my day. Xx 🌞💕


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